DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-106-116
The materials of scientific and pedagogical research related to the identification of the educational potential of physical education for the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students at a Russian university are presented in a generalized form. The principles and pedagogical ways of actualization and realization of such potential are shown. The description and results of experimental work carried out on the basis of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Siberian State Medical University on the approbation of the author’s vision of pedagogical approaches that provide socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students by educational means of physical education are presented. The socializing potential of higher school practices of physical education in relation to foreign students is indicated and the pedagogical conditions of its implementation are proved. The features of a new type of pedagogical activity of a physical education teacher in a higher educational institution – his tutor function when working with foreign students are presented. The specific organizational and pedagogical recommendations to higher school teachers of physical culture connected with the effective solution of problems related to the internationalization of the Russian higher education by means of social and cultural adaptation of foreign students by means of physical education resources are formulated.
Keywords: foreign students of Russian higher school, socio-cultural adaptation, educational potential of physical education, tutor function in the activity of a physical education teacher
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 106 — 116
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