DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-117-125
The issues of propaedeutics of the formation of professional competencies of students of secondary vocational educational organizations are considered. The concept of “propaedeutics” has been briefly characterized and clarified. The functions of propedeutics of the formation of professional competencies are determined. The study of mathematics by students of technical specialties should not only give intellectual development, but also carry a propaedeutic function for further education and the formation of professional competencies. The study and analysis of the pedagogical and methodical literature shows that the propaedeutic, integrative approach in professional training allows us to find a common platform of subject knowledge for the formation of common and professional competencies in students. The propaedeutic approach to teaching mathematics involves the deliberate inclusion of successive interdisciplinary links in the content of educational material. The propaedeutics of professional competencies’ formation can be implemented on the basis of project-research activities and the inclusion of professional-oriented tasks in the content of the educational general education discipline. This allows us to carry out the propaedeutics of the professional competencies’ formation, contributes to the revitalization of students’ cognitive activity and shows a sustained interest in the future profession. The article summarizes the results of testing the model for organizing design and research activities in the process of teaching mathematics with the aim of developing professional competence in propaedeutics and gives examples of research projects.
Keywords: propaedeutics, professional competencies, competence, secondary vocational education, mathematics, professional-oriented tasks, design and research activities
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 117 — 125
Downloads: 956