DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-156-161
Training a good specialist competent in his future professional activity is the main goal of the educational process in any educational institution, and this is impossible without creating in students a motivated positive attitude to this activity. The content of the article notes that students should be prepared for future profession in the conditions of secondary specialized educational institutions in the field of physical culture through practical training, taking into account the updating of the content of educational training programs and their methodological support, simulating various professional situations. In the aggregate, the perspective, the success of the professional activity (in this case, the students of the College of Physical Education), the formation of their professional competence, the education of a professional nature is determined in the process of practice-oriented education, which implies an orientation to further successful advancement in a socially sustainable educational environment. The results of practice-oriented training in professional educational organizations are also given, ensuring the quality of graduate training in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 49.02.01 “Physical Education” and taking into account the need for employers of future competent professionals and positive attitude of students towards the profession, the result is presented determining the level of motivation of sports of college students for professional work in the conditions of practice-based learning.
Keywords: motivation for employment, practice-oriented learning, traditional learning
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 156 — 161
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