DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-163-172
The article deals with the implementation of group programs in a fitness club; theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature data allowed to study the main characteristics of different types of group classes held in the fitness club. On the basis of the data of scientific literature and Internet resources, a pedagogical characteristic of various types of lessons on wellness aerobics was offered, the main directions of group programs are grouped according to one fundamental principle – the target orientation of influence on an organism of the students; all programs are divided into six groups: interval classes, power directions, dance directions, classes with the use of special equipment and directions for stretching and relaxation; in each program motor density, heart rate in the main part of the class, the percentage of power and cyclic part of the class, methods of conducting classes are revealed; by questioning the clients of the fitness club, the main reasons and motives for visiting group programs are revealed; the survey of fitness club clients attending group classes allowed to analyze the external motives for choosing the type of classes, revealed trends to visit group programs in the fitness club depending on age: with the increase in the age of those involved, interest in dance aerobics falls significantly (from 34 to 11 %), while the areas associated with stretching and relaxation become more popular (4 and 31 %, respectively). Directions related to the development of endurance and interval training are more in demand in the age categories 21–30 (13 and 24 %) and 31–40 years (11 and 29 %); identified the most popular areas in different age groups (up to 20 years; from 21 to 30; from 31 to 40 years; from 41 to 50 and older); conducted a comparative analysis and ranking of group programs in St. Petersburg, USA and Germany (according to Internet sources), based on the data of Internet sources, it is possible to predict the future development of various programs for health aerobics in Russia.
Keywords: group programs, fitness club, pedagogical classification of group programs, popularity at various age categories, motivation of visiting group programs
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 162 — 171
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