DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-9-18
In the article the authors substantiate the necessity of formation of students’ ability to selforganization as a necessary condition for the organization of their own life in an environment of social and educational environment of pedagogical University. The role of time management technology as a technology, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of abilities for self-organization of students of pedagogical University, is revealed, substantiated and demonstrated. Empirically confirmed the assumption that the formation and development of students’ ability to self-organization as an organization of their own life contributes to their successful and productive educational and meaningful extracurricular activities. Organization of students’ life is functioning, by harmonizing the main spheres of life of students (educational and extracurricular) in the integrative integrity, through the formation of their ability to self-organization of life in the social and educational conditions of the university. The list of the main tasks that are designed to have a positive impact on the organization of educational activities of students enrolled in the first courses of higher education includes the cultivation of effective time management (the so-called time management). Thanks to time management, a person is able to take into account the time allotted for the task. As a result, the period that is allocated to the so-called “time sinks”, that is, irrational from the point of view of achieving the goal of employment, is reduced.
Keywords: organization, self-organization, rational life activity of students, time management technology
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 9 — 18
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