DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-19-29
Introduction. In the context of a continuously increasing flow of educational information, there is a contradiction between its large volume and limited time to study. Accordingly, the question arises about the structuring of educational information for laboratory work on inorganic chemistry based on the characteristics of its perception by students. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of determining the effectiveness of the developed instructions for laboratory work in chemistry. It included the results of students’ questioning, determining the difficulty of their perception of instructions in textual and structured forms, estimating the time spent on preparation, execution of work and drawing up a report for them in the experimental and control groups. The groups had the same working conditions and level of training, but their difference was the use of different teaching materials. The results of the input and output control of students’ knowledge in order to identify the quality of the assimilation of chemical information in laboratory classes are given. Results and discussion. The features of the developed instructions for laboratory studies at the university are described, including: presenting them in a table containing individual blocks, algorithmizing the description of actions performed during the experiment, highlighting questions and tasks for experiments. The construction of proposals in the algorithm of the course of the chemical experiment is proposed. An example of the description of the content of experience to the laboratory work is given. The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented, which includes an analysis of the assessment of the difficulty of perceiving instructions of various forms, the cost of study time for preparing and conducting chemical ex periments at work, and testing students in the control and experimental groups. A survey of teachers of chemistry and biology was conducted, the results of which testify to the universality of the presented materials and the possibility of their use in school practice of teaching natural science subjects. Conclusion. The use of structured instructive and methodological materials in conducting laboratory studies in inorganic chemistry helps save study time for preparing and carrying out experiments, on the basis of which the methods of carrying out laboratory work are improved, which allows learners to assimilate chemical information more consciously and qualitatively.
Keywords: chemistry laboratories, structured teaching materials, ergonomics in teaching, difficulty of perception of the text, teaching aid, input and output controls
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 19 — 29
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