DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-101-106
The article analyzes statistical data and regulations confirming the relevance of support for youth volunteer initiatives in Russia. Volunteer activities of children and youth in a general educational institution of the city (for example, the city of Tomsk) are discussed. Research methods of a semi-structured interview of 15 teachers from 10 different general educational institutions of Tomsk, and school students aged from 7 to 16 years poll (a sample was 213 people), and method of included observation were used. The results of student surveys indicate a weak involvement of youth in volunteering. This also correlates with a low assessment of student teachers’ interest in volunteering. The presented results of organizing volunteer activities in a general educational institution problem study are obtained on the basis of the Center for Social and Professional Volunteering at Tomsk State University. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of the organization of volunteer activities of teachers of general education organizations are considered. Conclusions are drawn on the relevance of methodological and informational support to teachers of general educational institutions in the city in organizing volunteer activities and sites for exchanging experience in organizing volunteer initiatives in school technologies. The practical value of the research is a methodological manual on technologies of organizing volunteer activities of youth on the example of Tomsk.
Keywords: youth volunteering, volunteer activity, general educational institution
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 101 — 106
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