DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-201-206
The problem of socialization of students with autism spectrum disorders is addressed. One of the main problems of interaction with adults and peers is violation of communication owing to the distorted perception of reality. The analysis of strong and weak points of use of speech components of children of the specified category is carried out and one of the modern approaches to enhancing communication processes – the use of alternative communication is presented. The inclusion of scripted (scripted, automated) phrases in the learning process, social interaction, and game allows children with autistic range disorders to form the communication skills that are necessary for their inclusion in a society. The article presents examples of social scenarios that mimic children in the classroom. The significance of the diagnosis of speech typologies in ASD is determined, which is due to the determination of the educational path of social communication in children with ASD. The analysis of the behavior and interaction of autists with adults was also carried out according to the following criteria: a large volume of nouns, imitation of nouns, a small number of imitations, wider use of narrative sentences, the presence of correlations of the subject’s concept of a word. In this regard, among children with ASD, both reference and expressive children can be distinguished.
Keywords: children with autism spectrum disorders, communication, referential and expressive speech type, social and echolalistic scripting
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 201 — 206
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