DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-221-235
Introduction. Many aspects of history of formation at the beginning of the XX century, both the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods, have still not received adequate lighting in historical and pedagogical studies. With development of the economic sphere of the state at a boundary of XIX – the beginnings of the 20th century, education became mass and gained more and more secular character, and the system of training of teachers demanded change in approaches and methods of teaching. Reforms in the system of pedagogical education in the conditions of revolutionary events, changes of political regimes in the years of civil war, formation of the Soviet school system forced to look for actively more effective strategy for preservation and development of traditions of teachers’ training. In these conditions, people who defined professional formation of future teacher and sought to keep the educational capacity of educational institutions in any circumstances were of particular importance. Research objective is to restore Alexander Konstantinovich Volnin’s biography – the famous representative of the Russian professional and pedagogical corporation of the beginning of the 20th century. His pedagogical career was connected with active participation in processes of reforming of the teacher’s institutes directed to improvement of the principles of training of teachers and the organization of business of national education. Material and methods. Article is prepared on the basis of unique archive materials and the publication of various profile editions. Results and discussion. Throughout the Soviet period of historical and pedagogical researches the name of A. K. Volnin was mentioned only in connection with his pupil famous for the Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko. These circumstances made impossible an objective research of the biography of Alexander Konstantinovich. Using the fractional information collected from the most different and quite often contradictory sources it is established that the major stages professional Alexander Konstantinovich Volnin’s activity in the sphere of pedagogical education, were connected with history of the Poltava and New Nikolaev teacher’s institute. He took the most active part in development of provisions of reform of teacher’s institutes of 1917. He was an expert and the methodologist in the field of training of teachers for labor school. Conclusion. Studying of history of development of pedagogical education, traditions of teaching, restoration of historical continuity in work of various generations of teachers is an important factor of development of pedagogical science and daily teacher’s practice.
Keywords: Alexander Konstantinovich Volnin, history of pedagogical education, reform of teacher’s institutes, A. S. Makarenko, Poltava teacher’s institute, New Nikolaev teacher’s institute
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 221 — 235
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