DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-75-82
The article is devoted to the influence of the Bologna process on the system of Russian education. For the last decade there has been a massive transfer of higher education to a twolevel system: bachelor – master. To obtain a bachelor’s degree, you must complete 4–5 years of training, masters are to study additional 1–2 years. A single-level system with obtaining the qualification “specialist” remains for some professions and areas of education. The reason for the transition to this model of education was Russia’s accession to the Bologna process in September 2003 at the Berlin meeting of European ministers of education. It should be noted that the reformation process was fully justified and we expect, since the optimization of such spheres of the state’s life as political, economic and social should have led to changes in the field of education. The article focuses on the difficulties appeared in non- linguistic universities in connection with the transition to a two-level education system and a significant reduction in hours of foreign language. We propose ways for solution of these problems, allowing students to master strategies, develop personal knowledge, interact with other subjects of the educational process and with the world as a whole. The introduction of modular training, the use of tests in the learning process will make it possible to coordinate the program of teaching foreign languages with a general curriculum, increase the competitive ability of Russian graduates and their level of professional training, and also organize turnout of highly qualified specialists with relevant skills for studying in European universities.
Keywords: foreign language competence, Bologna process, non-linguistic university, two-level system of education, module training, linguo-didactic test
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 75 — 82
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