DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-9-16
The analysis of modern normative documents, including the Federal state educational standard of preschool education, which regulates the activities of preschool organizations, was performed. The methodology of this work is presented by three groups of methods: theoreticaltheoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the studied problems, their generalization and synthesis, empirical – «Ladder» (V. G. Shchur); «Tree» (L. P. Ponomarenko); « What am I?» (R. S. Nemov); «Definition of emotional self-esteem» (A. V. Zakharov); «Test De Greefe», as well as empirical data processing methods-statistical calculation of the Mann-Whitney U-test. A comparative analysis of the levels of self-esteem in preschool children with different sibling positions at a ascertaining stage revealed that the majority of the only children in the family has a high level of self-esteem, younger siblings also have a high level, while the vast majority of elder siblings has an average level, and even a low level of self-esteem was revealed in small manifestations. Taking into account age-related characteristics and the leading type of activity, a program was developed to optimize the self-esteem of preschool children. Analyzing the changes that occurred after the forming stage of the study at the control stage, it was found that the level of self-esteem in preschoolers increased, since the dominant level is the average level, and the results at the low level were reduced, in addition, some children were found to have a high level. Adequate self-esteem affects the further formation and development of the child’s personality. Therefore, it is important to work in preschool institutions to optimize the selfesteem of children. However, only comprehensive work will allow psychologists to monitor and help children optimize their self-esteem in time. A cartoon activity is a good method of optimizing the self-esteem of preschool children with different sibling position.
Keywords: sibling, sibling position, preschool age, preschoolers, self-esteem
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 16
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