DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-17-22
Currently, the urgency of the problem of socialization of children with special educational needs in an inclusive education is becoming extremely important. In education organizations, the number of children with disabilities significantly increases, who have a decrease in the communicative-cognitive need for communication, persistent violations of all parts of the communicative act, which creates significant barriers to interpersonal interaction. In the educational practice of children with special educational needs, the key concept is their successful social adaptation, which is the inclusion of the individual in society, as a result of which the individual’s self-awareness and role behavior, the ability to self-service and interact with others are formed. And only in the process of social adaptation does an individual become a person who possesses the necessary life competencies for a full-fledged existence in society. The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the problems of social and communicative development, the possibilities of communicative activity of children with mild mental retardation. The necessity of targeted corrective and pedagogical assistance in the formation of communicative activities based on identifying real situations in role-playing games that can be included in the corrective work of modules that contribute to the social adaptation of children in this category as a whole is emphasized.
Keywords: social adaptation, mental retardation, communicative activity, communication, simulation of real situations
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 17 — 22
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