DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-73-78
The article looks into the issues of organization of children foreign language interaction in the conditions of summer linguistic camp. The article emphasizes the reasons of implementing the educational potential of extra-curricular cultural and leisure activities of children in the context of teaching foreign language communication and indicates the ways of optimal integration of teaching and recreation during the summer time and holidays. In accordance with the educational goals, the types and forms of activities, as well as methods of organizing children foreign language communication in educational leisure activities are determined, taking into account the dominant forms of communication (dialogue, cooperative, competitive), natural in terms of educational leisure. The article describes the experience of establishing the programme of summer linguistic camp, which is based on a modular structure built on the technology of mixed programming and which includes different modules – educational, creative and project. As an assessment of the effectiveness of the educational program implemented in the conditions of the linguistic camp, there is monitoring, including preliminary and final language testing. Thus, as a result of the study, the article identifies the necessary conditions for implementation of targeted and motivated foreign language interaction of participants in terms of extra-curricular cultural and leisure activities.
Keywords: extra-curricular cultural and leisure activities, foreign language interaction, summer linguistic camp, motivational communication, forms of organization and activities, modular programme, monitoring of effectiveness
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 73 — 78
Downloads: 727