DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-79-83
This article is devoted to the development of students’ interest in the technical profile of education and the identification of engineering thinking, implementation of educational robotics in the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation. The possibilities of integrating subjects within the framework of the educational robotics course are presented. The main directions of educational robotics, as well as the possibilities of educational robotics and its impact on other subjects such as technology, science, mathematics and physics are considered. The author’s teaching methods based on LEGO educational constructors are studied. The most popular learning methods at the moment are the method of Filippov Sergei, the method of Polyakov Konstantin Yurevich and increasingly popular method is the League of Robots, Author Paul Basker. On the basis of age psychological features, and also Federal State Educational Standard of new generation, criteria for the analysis of the chosen techniques have been compiled, the analysis of techniques is carried out. The result is presented in the table. An example of testing a training robotics course at the Children’s Center for Educational Robotics of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, as a result of which a practical orientation and a meta-subject teaching technique for educational robotics have been proved.
Keywords: Educational robotics, meta-subject learning technique, teaching method
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 79 — 83
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