DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-202-208
The results of the theoretical study of approaches to the study of the development of personality and meaning sphere in the presence of several existing paradigms in psychology are presented. Unlike the category of signification, the category of meaning has the attributes of an interdisciplinary construct as a philosophical, linguistic and psychological concept. Due to the fact that the category of meaning is based on different sciences about man, modern research of the semantic sphere of man is carried out from the positions of different paradigms. Different research paradigms consolidate different views and conventional agreements of the scientific community. Emerging in such paradigms scientific picture of the world delimits the field of scientific knowledge of psychological phenomena, specializing only in allocated as the dominant factors of their manifestation in human life. Modern psychological science develops within the framework of four main research paradigms. The epistemological paradigm considers cognition separately from man as a cognizing subject and is aimed at obtaining experimentally verified knowledge. The phenomenological paradigm is based on experience as an emotional understanding. The activity paradigm overcomes the opposition of consciousness and the world through the cognition of human activity in the world. The existential paradigm reflects the need to take into account the needs of the human spirit, ignoring which will not allow the uniqueness of the individual. All four paradigms, having their strengths and weaknesses, coexist simultaneously in modern psychology.
Keywords: meaning, epistemological paradigm, phenomenological paradigm, performance paradigm, existential paradigm
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 202 — 208
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