DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-234-239
The development of students in the process of their preparation for professional activity is a significant factor. Among personal characteristics, values occupy a special place, since they largely determine the orientation of the person, behavior, relationships with other people, success and effectiveness of the activity. Interest in value research is growing today. This is due to the transition of society to an innovative path of development, the complexity of the tasks that arise in front of a person. Of particular relevance is the question of studying the values of young people, since the future of the country and society depends on them. In a study of students’ values by the method of R. Inglehart, it was found that among the criteria of “traditionality- survival” they have the predominant value of “survival”. Young people focus more on financial well-being, accumulation of resources, rejection of marginality and foreignness. They respect authoritarianism, adhere to the traditional distribution of gender roles. Among the parameters of the methodology “Refined Theory of Basic Personal Values”, the priority is “preservation” among students, where the main criteria are traditionality, power, security, conformism. In the second place, young people have the “openness” parameter, which is associated with independence, aspiration for novelty and deep emotions. It is important to note that the values “self-affirmation” and “self-determination”, which are opposite in Schwartz’s theory, have the same number of points. The inconsistency in the choice of values reflects the changes taking place in society, the transitivity of time, and is also due to the age of students associated with setting life goals in youth, the formation of worldview positions, and the realization that social standards and universal values are important in society.
Keywords: values, personality, activity, competencies
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 234 — 239
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