DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-133-142
The experience of introducing the results of scientific research of students to organize extracurricular educational and research activities of students in biology is described. It is shown that this is one of the main factors contributing to the study of students in schools. This is due to both age-related characteristics and the material and technical organization. An example of the implementation by students of the 5th grade of elementary basic research skills in botany when studying the topic “Germination of seeds and seedling growth” using the results of scientific studies of students is given. A workbook has been developed in which a student can record the results of his research, repeat and consolidate theoretical material. A workbook is an integral part of the developed extracurricular activities, can be used by a biology teacher to timely control the level of assimilation of the material and independent activity of all students. Analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment showed that the level of knowledge of students in the experimental group was higher than in the control group by 28%, while the students of the experimental group received elementary research skills. The introduction of the results of their own scientific research for the organization of extracurricular educational and research activities of schoolchildren in biology allows students at the graduation to be ready theoretically and practically both in subject areas and in the teaching field. This contributes to the development of students’ skills of independent research and its use in their future pedagogical activities.
Keywords: teaching and research activities, extracurricular activities, federal state educational standard, workbook, elementary research skills
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 133 — 142
Downloads: 791