DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-143-150
The issues of the formation of universal competencies of students of educational organizations of secondary vocational education are considered. The concept of “universal competencies” is briefly characterized and clarified. The results of testing the integration of the disciplines «Mathematics» and «Computer Science» are presented. Solving the problem of improving the quality of vocational education in the system of secondary vocational education actualize the issue of integration of disciplines, the formation of universal competencies at the stage of General education. The integration of disciplines makes it possible not only to optimize the educational process, but also to form universal competencies. The study and analysis of methodological and pedagogical literature shows that in the system of secondary vocational education an integrative approach allows finding a common platform of subject knowledge for the formation of universal, general and professional competencies among students. The formation of universal competencies can be implemented through the organization of integrated classes and design and research activities through the solution of professionally oriented tasks. The integration of disciplines contributes not only to the activation of cognitive activity of students, the manifestation of a steady interest in a future profession, but also the formation of universal and professional competencies. The article briefly describes the stages and mechanism of the project of integration of disciplines.
Keywords: competence, universal competencies, professional competencies, secondary vocational education, mathematics, computer science, professionally oriented tasks, project study activities
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 143 — 150
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