DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-151-160
The article represents the results of the first stage of research aimed at identifying ethnically determined models of pedagogical interaction for teaching foreign languages as a part of the basic module of Bachelor’s programs at university. The need to organize multicultural interaction in a classroom makes institutions of higher education solve several acute problems. These are supporting intercultural dialogue in poly-ethnical student groups, accommodating ethno-cultural differences in the teaching process along with respect to national spirit of students, creating appropriate educational environment for intercultural communication, as well as integrating students into poly-ethnical environment of university. The experience of Kemerovo State University (KemSU) teachers and lecturers in training international students is under consideration. The study has been carried out with the use of pedagogical observation, comparative analysis, literature review, survey, questioning, and interviewing. The analysis of interaction between students and teachers in poly-ethnical university environment provides the basis to describe 1) interpersonal relationship and interaction within poly-ethnical student groups, 2) international students’ communication with university teachers and lecturers, 3) involvement of international students in university social life. KemSU takes a variety of measures to involve international students in the social life of the university as well as the city and the region. The research has shown that there is no need in much effort aimed at correction of students’ interaction in poly-ethnical student groups. However, it is necessary for the university staff to take regular measures directed at developing and maintaining interethnic tolerance. At the same time the research has revealed the difficulties in the interaction of international students and teachers in the process of classroom work. Therefore, it is essential to develop and implement the models of pedagogical interaction to improve the process of teaching and learning in poly-ethnical university environment.
Keywords: higher education, interethnic tolerance, international students, poly-ethnical university environment, pedagogical interaction
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 151 — 160
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