DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-54-63
Interpersonal relations are a prerequisite that determines the development of not only individual mental processes, but also the personality as a whole. There are a number of works that show the deformation of interpersonal relationships in adolescents with different types of dysontogenesis, including with mental retardation. This article presents the results of a study of the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment. The results of the study made it possible to ascertain the presence of both general and specific features of interpersonal relationships in adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment, and their peers with uncomplicated mental retardation. In the examined groups, only a third of adolescents consider the father and mother as a parental couple, while there is a high significance of the relationship with the mother and refusal to communicate with the father. For adolescents of both groups are characteristic: weak involvement in interaction with peers; the presence of a sensually deficient or sensually excessive type of interaction with a predominance of the sensually deficient type; indecision in decision making, the desire to shift responsibility to others; lack of a tendency to domination; frequent conflicts with peers and the inability to constructively resolve them. In addition, adolescents of the studied groups often show reactions to frustration of the activeaggressive or passive-suffering type, and in adolescents with uncomplicated mental retardation, the reactions of the active-aggressive type dominate, and in adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment, the reactions of passive-passive type. It is noteworthy that adolescents with mental retardation, complicated by visual impairment, are prone to isolation from their peers, show greater attachment to home and their family.
Keywords: interpersonal relationships, adolescence, mental retardation, visual impairment
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 54 — 63
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