DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-169-173
In the process of the formation of the information society, the problem of educating a moral personality is becoming increasingly important. The ongoing civilizational breakdown contributed to a change in the value orientations of youth, which also affected the development of leading ideas of professional ethics. Professional activity forms in a person not only professional skills, but also certain personal characteristics, as well as attitude to various aspects of his work activity. In this regard, professional ethics is one of the most important aspects of any professional activity, acting as a regulator of the interaction of people in the professional sphere. As standards that act as reference, those patterns of behavior are accepted that have developed as the content and methods of implementing specific professional activities in the processes of human interaction develop. On the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, the study proves the existence of a problem requiring the study of professional ethics as a form of morality. The article describes the leading functions of pedagogical ethics: regulatory, ensuring the coordination of elements of the sphere of morality of the teacher; formative and educational, aimed at the development of any personal values; cognitive associated with the reflection in the individual mind of pedagogical values); an analysis of the leading concepts of pedagogical ethics as a form relative to the scope of an independent section of axiological knowledge is proposed. The analysis of the literature of the era showed that the forms of categories among the professional environment of the pedagogical group of ethics, the words of the most important forms for axiological understanding of the essence and the content of moral requirements of duty to the personality of the teacher, the categories of “pedagogical sheet of justice”, “pedagogical duty”, “pedagogical tact tact”, “pedagogical authority as well”.
Keywords: professional and ethical qualities, specialist, teacher, moral, morality
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 169 — 173
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