DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-200-211
The purpose of the article is a description of the general framework for the ontology of education in the era of digital nomadism. This framework is based on the specific features of digital nomadism as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the ontology of the network society. The article describes the milestones in the history of the “new nomadism” from the 1960s to the present, with a focus on the research of M. McLuhan, G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, J. Attali, T. Makimoto, D. Manners, W. J. Mitchell, J.W. Moravec et al, S. Lusmägi. The paper presents the factors that preconditioned occurrence, development, and globalization of a new type of nomadism, essential characteristics of new nomads, and their classification: digital (or electronic), knowledge nomads (knowmads), and students as nomads. The paper contains examples of the existing practice of nomadic education and proposes its prospects. The general principles, methods, and formats of “nomadic” education have been determined. They reflect the ontology of the network digital society and the world-view attitudes and lifestyle of new nomads. The presented model does not pretend to be the full representation of the ontology of “nomadic” education but sets a certain reflection vector necessary for understanding this phenomenon.
Keywords: digital network society, new nomadism, digital nomads, knowledge nomads (knowmads), student nomads, ontology of nomadic education
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 200 — 211
Downloads: 937