DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-9-22
An analysis of scientific and methodological literature allowed us to conclude that there has been an increase in scientific publications on the problem of training of the elementary school teachers-to-be. However, many issues related to the preparation of the teacher for organizing and conducting a lesson according to the Federal Educational Standards for Elementary General Education (FES-EGE) are debatable and produce drawbacks in the methodological preparation of the teacher-to-be. These drawbacks determined the study problem: how to prepare the elementary school teacher-to-be for the making of the synopsis of the lesson? The objective of the study is to reveal and substantiate the methodology of the preparation of the elementary school teacher-to-be for the making of the synopsis of the lesson. The theoretical relevance of this study is that it concretizes the essence and content of the preparation of the teacher-to-be for the making of the synopsis of the lesson and theoretically substantiates the methodology of the preparation of the teacher-to-be for the making of the lesson synopsis. The practical relevance is that it has developed the organization of independent work by the teacher-to-be regarding his or her preparation for the making of the lesson synopsis according to FES-EGE. Providing the good training of specialists requires not only observing the governmental educational standards that determine minimum requirements to the content and level of the training but also a more effective control of mastering the content of education by the students including independent work that is now a significant part compared to classroom lessons. The theoretical theses of the methodology of preparation of the teacher-to-be for making of the lesson synopsis are illustrated by a synopsis performed in accordance with the modern typology and structure of the lesson described in FES-EGE. The preparation of the elementary school teacher-to-be for making of the synopsis of the lesson is defined as a process including the formation of a system of knowledge (the typology, goal setting and the structuring of the lesson), skills (the skills of determining the type, the goal, the didactic tasks, the universal teaching actions, the structure of the lesson and the methods of teaching) and personal and professional qualities (creative imagination and pedagogical improvisation) providing the effective organization of the lesson according to the requirements of FES-EGE.
Keywords: preparation of the teacher-to-be, synopsis of the lesson, objective, typology, structure of the lesson
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 22
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