DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-35-43
The problem of developing a system of advanced training for teachers in Russia is considered. As a conceptual basis of modernization, it is proposed to understand it as part of adult education, composed of systemic (implements formal education) and non-systemic (implements non-formal education) areas. An urgent direction in the development of adult education is the formation of the infrastructure of these areas, as well as the organization of their coordination. This will make it possible to fully realize the principles of openness and continuity, the potential for complementing formal and non-formal types of education. Non-formal education is considered as a resource for supplementing the deficit of the general cultural content of adult education, a source of humanization, which gives it mobility and increases the motivation of students. On the basis of the research of the requests of pedagogical workers of Russia, the deficits of professional competencies recognized by them, the main deficit is identified – inability to organize interaction with generation Z, ignorance of the specifics of the modern sociocultural situation. It can be replenished in non-formal education communities when becoming acquainted with the main characteristics of sociocultural reality – virtualization and the recreation of dialogue platforms on topics of general interest.
Keywords: additional pedagogical education, adult education, non-formal education, educational self-organization
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 35 — 43
Downloads: 948