DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-121-129
The paper studies some aspects of the formation of universal competencies (UC) in the course of theoretical physics for students of pedagogical universities. As an example, a fragment of the course of classical mechanics is selected, associated with finding the law of motion of the body in Newton’s formulation. Four types of tasks are considered, which differ mainly in the nature of the time dependence of the resulting force. When solving the problems of the module “Classical Mechanics” of a course in theoretical physics, knowledge from mathematical courses (Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations) is actively used, which stimulates the students’ analytical and creative intellectual activity. The relevance of the topic is that the course of theoretical physics combines the disciplines of the natural science and mathematical cycles, and it is important to be able to fully use the knowledge accumulated by students to reach a new, integral level of understanding of educational information. The novelty of this approach is that it makes it possible to simultaneously form the scientific, research thinking of students; mastering the teaching methods of physical and mathematical disciplines (which is important for future teachers); to develop the creative potential of students when choosing a particular decision algorithm. The article shows how, when solving selected problems, students form a set of competencies of the UС-1 group.
Keywords: physical and mathematical sciences, theoretical physics, classical mechanics, the law of body motion, differential equations, teaching of classical mechanics, teacher training, universal competencies
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 121 — 129
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