DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-137-149
Currently, in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the information society and the digitalization of the economy, the importance of comprehensive training of a motivated applicant, capable of not only successfully passing the entrance tests, but also ready to study in the educational process of a modern technical university, is growing. Various ways of building the readiness of future students to study at technical universities demonstrate the new organizational structures of the pre-university, whose activities are aimed at career guidance and the implementation of educational programs of pre-university training (specialized engineering classes, preparatory courses, etc.). The article substantiates the features of preuniversaries, the mechanisms of their creation and functioning. In modern conditions, a pre-university acts as a system of selection, accompaniment and preparation of motivated students for university entrance, widely using not only subject preparation, but also developing research work of schoolchildren, creating conditions for immersing students in the culture, educational and creative space of the university during the period of schooling; an important feature of these models is the close interaction of educational organizations of general and higher education, the wide involvement of partners and employers in this work. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of certain characteristics of the activities of pre-university students and similar innovative educational structures for working with applicants on the basis of universities, including: a) the creation of a system of specialized training for high school students with the optimization of the implementation of educational programs towards educational institutions of higher education while maintaining the traditional forms of pre-university preparatory courses; b) the organization and support of the process of psychological, intellectual, cultural preparation of a future student for studying at a university through various forms of participation in systemic educational and educational work of pre-university students and similar models; c) ensuring early vocational guidance and profiling of students in order to support the determination of the choice of further educational paths before moving to graduation class, etc. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the study of various preuniversity models in modern higher education institutions, the identification and description of key aspects of the activity of these structures and models.
Keywords: pre-university, vocational guidance, pre-university preparation, the process of admission to the university, work with applicants
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 137 — 149
Downloads: 882