DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-172-178
Today, the educational system is undergoing significant changes. If a definite order finally takes place in preschool and general education, then higher education changes continuously. On the one hand, there is a very painful transition to new educational standards. In any higher education institution today you can hear the concepts of “third generation federal state education”, “federal state plus”, “federal state three plus plus” and these words are often pronounced with a negative connotation: there are difficulties with the transition process itself, the organization does not have time to comprehend and switch to one standard, and next year a new one is adopted. On the other hand, qualitative changes are taking place in the organization of the educational process from the inside – the time has come to transform universities. In part, this is due to the influence of technology development, informatization and the demands of the digital economy. In this paper, an attempt is made to summarize what has been done in the field of university transformation based on an analysis of the history of the transition from the formation of a higher educational university of the first version to version 4.0 or the university of the future, which is actively mentioned among universities of the 5-100 program, about the model that all universities of the world should come to in the future. These results were obtained as a result of a strategic session on the formation of the Greater University, held in Tomsk from December 2 to 6, 2019.
Keywords: individual educational trajectory, university 4.0, university transformation
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 172 — 178
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