DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-197-203
The modernization of society raises issues of training personnel with developed innovative potential. In this situation, the issues of studying the specifics of the innovative behavior of the individual, the development of the innovative potential of students in the context of professional education are relevant. The study of innovative potential and innovative human behavior is based on an activity-based approach in psychology. Innovative activity creates favorable conditions for the development of personality, the effective use of internal potential. In innovative behavior, a person realizes his “actual potentiality”, the ability to transcendence, and personal growth becomes an actual state. For the development of the innovative potential of the individual, it is fundamentally important to develop the worldview of the individual, tolerance to uncertainty, and the need for self-realization. The problem of initiating innovative behavior is of great interest today. For modern pedagogy and psychology, the task of forming and developing a personality focused on innovative behavior is currently becoming urgent. Although the concepts of “formation” and “development” are close, the development process is still more significant in this issue, since it involves subjectivity, human activity. Currently, a promising model in the preparation of a modern specialist is a model of professional selfdevelopment, where the emphasis is on the internal activity of a person, the need for selfrealization. A necessary condition for the development of innovative potential is the educational environment, where a person is included in the cultural ties of society. The educational environment should contribute to the formation of an innovative culture of students, create a single and holistic process of innovative training of specialists.
Keywords: innovative potential, innovative behavior, personal self-development, educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 197 — 203
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