DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-204-208
The article analyzes the results of an empirical study aimed at studying the time perspective of parents raising children with mental retardation. In the course of the study, three types of temporal perspectives were revealed in this category of parents – one harmonious and two deformed ones, and more often deformed types of temporal perspectives were encountered. With a harmonious type of temporal perspective, a balanced combination of orientations towards a positive past, a hedonic present, and a future was observed. The deformed time perspective of type 1 was characterized by a combination of a fatalistic present, a negative past and a low orientation to the future. A deformed time perspective of type 2 combined a negative past, a hedonic present, and a low orientation toward the future. All parents with a harmonious type of time perspective, performing T. Cottle’s graphic test, showed a temporary connection between the past, present and future. For parents with a deformed time perspective of type 1 or 2, in this test, the time zones were either autonomous or interconnected. It is important to note that most of the parents with a harmonious type of time perspective were between the ages of 40 and 45, have a higher education, medium or high material wealth, and high educational potential. Summarizing the results of the study, we can say that the difficult life situation associated with the presence of a child with mental retardation in the family, in most cases leads to temporary disintegration of parents.
Keywords: temporal perspective, temporal orientation, mental retardation, families raising children with mental retardation
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 204 — 208
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