DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-220-232
Changes concerning reforming preschool education in Russia at the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century determined the inner of the notion “speech creativity” as well as theoretical and methodological approaches to developing children’s speech and speech creativity. At the end of the XX century the notion “speech creativity” is associated with the child’s artistic and creative activities; different scientific ideas about the development of children’s speech creativity are formed. Organizing the process of developing preschoolers’ speech creativity in accordance with ideology of the new standard of preschool education requires a basic idea of pedagogical ways of organizing children’s artistic and creative activities by means of a fairy-tale. In connection with it, using modules as the innovative organizational pedagogical basis for developing children’s speech creativity in accordance with the main conceptual ideas of the educational standard becomes essential. At the beginning of making up modules there established typical relations between reproductive, productive and creative stages of developing senior preschoolers’ speech creativity that reflect the logic of the emergence of children’s activities during the period of preschool childhood and are followed by different types of mutual activities of the adult and children with the purpose to obtain developing and humanistic relationships between the participants of the interaction. Educational resources of modules are compiled to reveal and enrich the subjective experience of children with reference to their interests and capabilities. The effectiveness of using modules at developing children’s speech creativity in a preschool educational institution is proved by successful increase of children’s capacity for learning activities.
Keywords: speech creativity, senior preschoolers, module approach, module model, conditions of developing universal learning operations
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 220 — 232
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