DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-25-35
The importance of additional education in modern school is characterized. The relevance of additional science education using the experimental work of students based on regional characteristics is shown. The concept of “regional component of the content of education” is given. The choice of the topics of practical works on peat analysis by physicochemical methods is substantiated, the content of which is determined by the specific features of the Tomsk Region in terms of peat reserves and the accumulated experience of scientific research on the functioning of peat-swamp ecosystems. The goals, objectives and a list of topics of practical training are presented. The methodology for conducting practical work to determine the composition of peat, its physico-chemical characteristics: the degree of decomposition, moisture, ash, metabolic acidity, the determination of magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen (ammonium ions and nitrate ions) is described. The physicochemical methods used in the practical work are indicated: titrimetric (determination of magnesium and calcium), potentiometric (exchange peat acidity), photocolorimetric (determination of ammonium and nitrate ions), mobile compounds of iron and phosphorus) methods. Questions have been developed to identify students’ experimental skills and knowledge of qualitative chemical reactions before and after the practical work, and the results are presented. Questioning revealed an improvement in the level of all experimental skills by an average of 37 %. The attitude of students to the subject of the practical work, its content, as well as interest in conducting experimental work were identified on the basis of their questionnaire.
Keywords: additional education, regional component of science education, Tomsk Region, peat, physical and chemical methods of analysis, practical work, experimental skills
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 25 — 35
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