DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-75-84
In modern Russia, a new educational paradigm is changing: a person, his interests and needs, potential opportunities and abilities are the focus of attention of researchers and practical teachers. The changing priorities of Russian education, its structure and content with the introduction of new educational standards, including the professional standard “Teacher” aimed at changing the role of “translator” of knowledge in professional activity of a teacher, the future expert on the role of mentor, partner, companion. In this regard, the status of education is updated, new requirements are made to its level and quality. The results of the work Program of the discipline «Innovative technologies in pre-school education» for students of pedagogical Universities are presented. The implementation of the Program sections in the structure of its content ensures the effectiveness of students’ development of innovative activities, its stage-by-stage processes during lectures, independent classes, and the use of active learning methods, which forms their confidence, mobility, creativity, and positive interaction in the conditions of professional readiness. The results of the study indicate the effectiveness of the content of this Program, which is confirmed by the active participation of students in the course of pedagogical practices on the basis of a preschool educational organization, their independent development of innovative projects, events, miniprograms for preschool children. The actual result of the Program implementation is the presented process of complex readiness of future specialists of preschool education for innovative activities and professional development. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of departments that train future specialists of preschool educational organizations in the system of secondary and higher professional education.
Keywords: innovative activity, innovative process, professional training, innovations, readiness for innovative activity, future teachers of preschool education, professional and pedagogical education
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 75 — 84
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