DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-85-93
Teaching students to develop and form educational programs is an actual task for teachers of a pedagogical university. Special requirements apply to training students in development of extra-training educational programs aimed at physical education and sports, since the quality of such programs determines not only competitive progress, but also maintaining the health of students. Training quality and methodological literacy of students in the development of modern extra-training educational programs is largely defined by the regularity of educational practices monitoring and it’s reflection in programs as methodical documents. Under Russian conditions, various federal, regional and municipal expert (and competitive) events to evaluate educational programs can be considered as the basis for monitoring. Understanding of expertise as a valuable resource to improve students’ methodological literacy is determined by the fact that at present time in the Tomsk region, expert evaluation activity of educational programs during contests and other events has become systematic for for teachers conducting pedagogical disciplines. The author’s experience in analyzing physical education and sports programs at the regional stage of the Russian National contest of extra-training general developmental programs (including different-level ones) and as a part of regional project “Every Child’s Success”, independently evaluating the quality of extra-training educational programs, made it possible to examine the methodological deficiencies of teachers working in physical education and sports. Generalization of their typical mistakes turned out to be promising for the correction of practices of teaching students to develop modern educational programs and related features.
Keywords: expert examination of educational programs, sports programs, methodological literacy of students, extra-training education in physical culture and sports
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 85 — 93
Downloads: 1009