DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-127-134
The assessment of the general competencies formation has a special place in the monitoring of the quality of student’s professional training. This article describes various approaches used in both domestic and foreign literature to define the concept of common competencies. On the basis of their analysis, the authors understand that general competencies are the student’s personal qualities necessary to perform various types of professional activity. The problem of creating an integrated assessment system for general competencies is one of the most difficult problems in theory and practice of education. The purpose of the assessment activity is to determine the degree of compliance of knowledge and skills with those planned for the student. Many researchers think that determining the degree of conformity of knowledge and skills previously planned is the goal of education. The authors propose complementing this goal with the development of students’ self-esteem and their motivation for success. Knowledge, skills, and abilities are transformed into intermediate learning outcomes and become a means of achieving the goal gradually. The authors studied the experience of other researchers assessing general competencies and they concluded that all functional components of competencies are not always taken into account. The motivational, cognitive and activity components of competencies were identified by modern specialists. General competencies are also formulated as the final result of professional education that met federal state educational standards. It is difficult to apply them as specific intermediate results during the course of training. The authors propose a system for assessing general competencies in the course of general education. There is a need to create a specific table of general competencies, where each competence is divided into smaller competences, according to this system. There is also a need to develop a ratio matrix of the academic general education cycle disciplines and formed competences. Teachers determine the means of assessment for each learning outcome. For them, it is necessary to develop a system of rating scales and criteria with assessment indicators. These funds are used with a point-rating system for evaluating students’ activities, the results of which indicate the formation of the activity component of competencies. The authors selected suitable diagnostic tools in the form of psychological tests and questionnaires for assessing the personal qualities of the student, necessary for the formation of a particular general competence. Two complex interdisciplinary tests in mathematics, natural science, and humanities are used to assess the level of formation the cognitive component of competencies. They contain assignments to identify students’ skills, abilities, and ways of activity that ensure the successful development of general competencies.
Keywords: general competencies, competency assessment, educational result, pointrating system, table specifying, competence components
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 127 — 134
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