DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-151-164
The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristic features of the organization and logic of evolving the tendencies of elite family upbringing and home education as well as the content of the state policy in the sphere of regulating the relations of upbringing in the family and to define on that basis the stages of development of these processes in the period of the 18th – the early 20th centuries. The organization of the research takes into account the evolution of educational practice which allows us to track the logic of the formation and development of elite family upbringing and home education. We defined the criterial features characterizing the peculiarities of the content, organization and methodology of elite pedagogical processes going in the family in the period under study. Thechronological frames of the research are grounded. The periodization of the historical development of elite family upbringing was conducted on the basis of correlation with the factors of elitization of the personality under the conditions of the family. Among the most important are the content of family upbringing and home education, the sum total of the means, methods and pedagogical techniques, requirements for the personality and professional characteristics of home teachers and foreign family tutors and others. At the first stage (the early 18th – the 1750s) of the development of elite family upbringing and home education in Russia the basic characteristics of realizing an interaction of adults and children for the purpose of creating an elite personality are formed. The second stage (from the 1760s to the early 19the century) can be characterized by the influence of the forming system of state education on the best practices of family upbringing. The third stage of evolving elite family upbringing and home education (the early 19th – the 1840s) is connected with returning to national values in family upbringing practice, weakening the influence of foreign family tutorship on the formation of moral sphere of elite personality. The last period (the 1850s up to the revolution of 1917) can be characterized by the fact that all the most significant elitivist tendencies and traditions of family upbringing and home education reached the highest degree of their development and manifestation. The periodization of the development of elite family upbringing and home education in Russia in the 18th – the early 20th centuries suggested by us allows to identify the time stages of the genesis of these pedagogical processes, to single out the main tendencies of their historical evolving, to trace the peculiarities of emergence and manifestation of elitivist educational tendencies in families of the nobility and merchants belonging to the elite, in the family of the emperor.
Keywords: elite, elite family upbringing, elite home education, history of family upbringing in Russia, historical stages of the development of upbringing and education in the family
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 151 — 164
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