DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-224-232
Changes in the life of modern society entailed a violation in the preexisting interaction of school, family and society. The rapid change in the socio-economic conditions of society to a certain extent changes the interaction of the subjects of the educational system in the upbringing of children and youth, which is manifested in the complication of responsibility in making pedagogical decisions, caused by the increased relationship between those who participate in this upbringing. The problem is compounded by the fact that in the Kyrgyz Republic the issues of interaction between schools, families and society have not been sufficiently studied both theoretically and practically. Based on the foregoing, the aim of the article is to determine the content of the interaction of school, family and society and to identify the further implementation of this aspect in the training of teachers. In this study, we used such methods as: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, questioning, observation, conversation, study of documentation and experience of educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic, mathematical methods). All these methods were used to study the state of the theory and practice of interaction between school, family and society in the current socio-economic and sociocultural situation. The study involved 231 students (J. Balasagyn KNU and the Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education (KRAO)). Of these, 114 students of 1–4 courses in the control group (KRAO). 117 students of 1–4 courses in the experimental group (KNU). Studying the problem of interaction between the school, family and society suggests that modern students of pedagogical directions of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic need special effective training as future teachers for partnerships with parents and representatives of society, where relations of responsibility, mutual trust and awareness of the coherence of goals should prevail, tasks and content in the upbringing of a growing person. For the effective implementation of the relationship of family and social education, a special course and a special system for training students of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions are offered. The results of the study show that the problem of interaction between the school, family and society today remains one of the important aspects of the activities of universities, as it is associated with assisting the future teacher in managing the joint activities of the school, family and society in order to combine the efforts of cooperation between the subjects of education.
Keywords: students, training of future teachers, family, school, society, social partnership, the interaction of family and social education
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 224 — 232
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