DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-9-16
Modern education poses the challenge for the pedagogical community to find the best ways to develop, educate, and socialize children with disabilities. Timely started and properly organized work with a child with limited health abilities helps prevent or mitigate secondary in nature violations. A significant part of such children, despite the efforts made by society to educate them, becoming adults, is unprepared for integration in society. In the framework of the implementation of inclusive education, it is especially important to create conditions for the elimination of various barriers in order to maximize the support of each student and maximize their potential. Since speech development is one of the central tasks of the entire education system, it remains an important link in the overall development of the child’s personality. The main feature of the development of speech in children of primary school age is its conscious assimilation. Children master sound analysis, learn grammar rules for constructing sentences. Younger school age is closely related to preschool. Despite the emergence of a new leading type of activity – educational, primary schoolchildren assimilate the material more efficiently provided that game forms and methods are used. According to the theory of L. S. Vygotsky in a game, all internal processes manifest themselves in external action, since the child relies on real actions whose meaning is divorced from things. The game requires the child to overcome immediate, momentary desires, to obey the rules consisting in fulfilling the role, it creates a zone of proximal development, changes the consciousness of the child as a whole. Developing speech, the child forms the ability to combine, act purposefully, expresses his ideas in words. Also, according to the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, the development of speech directly affects the development of children’s imagination. Children with a delay in speech development, as a rule, experience difficulties in the development of imagination.
Keywords: speech development, inclusive education, primary school students, roleplaying game
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 9 — 16
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