DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-27-36
The state and social order sets the school the task of forming a competitive, professionally mobile graduate on the labor market. This order is most definitely reflected in the Federal state educational standards of basic General education. The idea of forming an educational system is considered as an effective means of solving this problem. The possibilities of a new type of educational system focused on the development of a person as a person (hereinafter – PSЕ – personalized system of education) are investigated. This direction is implemented by an interregional research team led by E. N. Stepanov. This article deals with issues of constructing professional orientation system personalized education system (PSE) for secondary general school. The author looks into the idea of forming professional goals in upperclassmen. Special attention is given to the role of family in that process. Articles give specific examples of successful collaboration between the school system and the family in forming professional orientation in upperclassmen through the creation of personalized systems. The study was conducted to study the possibility and effectiveness of the use of PSV in the formation of readiness of high school students of the main secondary school for professional self-determination. The conditions and opportunities of the personalized system of education in the professional orientation of classmen of the main secondary school are analyzed.
Keywords: professional orientation, personalized education system, professional selfdetermination, basic secondary school, educational potential of the family
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 27 — 36
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