DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-47-54
The prevalence of aggressive behavior of children in the school environment in recent years has a tendency to increase. The space of the educational organization is no longer safe, despite the measures taken to ensure it: the installation of turnstiles, metal detectors, the presence of security, the creation of a school mediation service (conflict resolution), etc. The article analyzes the concept and content of aggressive behavior. The problem of aggression in an educational institution is considered from the position of violent actions both in relation to students, and in relation to teachers and the educational organization as a whole. The extreme expression of aggression and cruelty, as today’s realities show, are cases of attacks on schools and mass violence by students, accompanied by the death of children and teachers alike. Under these conditions, the role of a teacher as a carrier of a model of social behavior in school is of particular importance. However, in some cases, the teacher can cause the pupils to act aggressively by illegally using verbal means to express their hostility towards students insulting their dignity. Based on the results of scientific research, the article analyzes the manifestations of aggressiveness in school society, identifies the factors that provoke aggression of adolescents. It is concluded that interpersonal relationships play a leading role in the formation of aggressive intentions of a teenage schoolchild. Therefore, in the educational environment it is important to create such a model of interaction between the subjects of education, which will provide the most optimal combination of their positions and interests.
Keywords: school society, adolescents, aggression, teachers, factors of aggressiveness, trends in relationships in school society
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 47 — 54
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