DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-55-61
The professional difficulties of teachers and the educational difficulties of primary schoolchildren, updated by the regime of total distance learning caused by the spread of COVID-19, are highlighted. The author concludes that regulatory and cognitive UUD are insufficiently formed in children, which entailed the educational helplessness of the child. The reason for this is the lack of focus on educators on the formation of the ability to learn and the relationship between subject and universal educational activities. The author discusses why distance learning cannot be the basic form in elementary school: the harmful effects on children’s health, the destruction of general cultural skills, technological risks, the destruction of living contacts with adults and other children. The author shows how the didactic scheme of the lesson and the professional functions of the teacher have changed: from intermediary to organizational and methodological. The main features of the online lesson and the typical mistakes of teachers during its conduct are highlighted. It is shown how it is possible to attract parents to the implementation of different models of interaction with the child in home schooling. The author predicts how the traditional lesson will change due to the teachers getting the experience of intensive distance learning in elementary school, which didactic and methodological aspects will become relevant.
Keywords: distance learning, universal educational activities, lesson, elementary school (student), interaction
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 55 — 61
Downloads: 772