DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-62-70
The problems of assessing the level of formation of professional competencies of students studying undergraduate programs are revealed. Despite the massive transition of Russian universities to the European level system of higher education in 2011, many issues of functioning of higher education in Russia remain unresolved. The main problem that still causes the greatest number of discussions in the University environment is related to the assessment of the level of knowledge, skills and skills that should be formed according to the competence approach in the framework of the implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the current Federal state educational standard FSES 3++. Many Russian universities have developed their own internal systems for assessing the level of professional competence achieved. These evaluation systems differ from each other in their approaches to conducting evaluation procedures, the tools and methods used. However, none of the methods considered can guarantee a high degree of reliability of the results obtained, since it is based on a mixture of the new and old paradigms of higher education. Specific measures are suggested that should be taken in order to make the assessment of the level of formed professional competencies of students more realistic.
Keywords: assessment of the level of professional competence formation, main professional educational program, Federal state educational standard, competence approach
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 62 — 70
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