DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-77-82
The national technological development strategy adopted in our country has influenced all levels of education [1]. The focus on training personnel for the digital economy has led to the opening of new specialties in universities, which has affected the work of key structural divisions of these organizations. The organization of the educational process has changed, and the projects «digital educational environment» and «digital university» have been launched. Such changes have had an impact on the defining structure of any university - the work of the enrollment board. Most universities on a par with traditional methods actively use alternative methods, among which special attention is paid to the Internet. Social networks, forums, contextual advertising, email newsletters, and other means of communication are used to create a flow of visitors to educational organizations’ websites. Growing competition every year affects the appearance and shape of the entry point of a potential listener or entrant if earlier users got to the main section of the organization’s website, today they are special landing pages created according to all the rules of design and marketing. A separate role in organizing the recruitment of listeners via the Internet is played by the «relationship management system» – a database of applications and the ability to track the status of their processing by call center employees. This paper presents the experience of Tomsk universities in automating the work of the admissions Committee, shows the result of using landing pages for recruiting students for educational programs, as well as students for additional education programs.
Keywords: landing page, entrant, enrollment board
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 77 — 82
Downloads: 717