DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-102-112
The article substantiates the need to use the capabilities of university training to form the professional competencies of future vocational education teachers in order to create highquality human resources for the modernization of technological processes, the promotion and implementation of new promising technologies and the provision of services customization in the process of transition to the digital economy model of the future of Russia. The role of educational organizations in the process of implementing the requirements of federal state educational standards Federal state educational standard 3 ++ to the quality of training qualified personnel in accordance with the requirements of employers expressed in professional standards is revealed. The content of the undergraduate studies presented in the main educational program is considered. 44.03.04 Professional training (by industry), focus (profile): Decorative and applied art and design of mandatory professional competencies formed on the basis of professional standards, analysis of requirements for graduates in the market labor, consultations with leading employers. Indicators of achievement of compulsory professional competencies of graduates are established, the possibilities of their achievement are examined by the examples of the organization of educational research work of students studying at the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of TSPU in the areas of professional activity: design (costume, interior, art objects), manufacture of clothing, decorative -applied art (art crafts of Siberia, the modern directions of arts and crafts in the manufacture of objects would and, souvenirs) beauty industry (hairdressing, makeup techniques, nail design, etc.), image making, stylistics. The feasibility of training vocational education teachers for emerging service clusters in the economy of the Tomsk Region is substantiated, taking into account the prognostic needs in the context of post-industrial transformations.
Keywords: professional competencies of the future teacher of vocational training, indicators of achievement of professional competencies, design, service clusters
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 102 — 112
Downloads: 710