DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-113-123
The relevance and heuristic value of the article lies in the fact that the materials presented in it will give reason to researchers, scientific supervisors of graduate students, organizers of science and the graduate students themselves to understand how to ensure the highest productivity of training highly qualified personnel, to increase the prestige of research activities. The problem of a modern graduate student is not that he is not able to generalize well-known materials and that he cannot offer something new in his field of knowledge, but how to check the effectiveness of what is offered as organically «fit» theory into experimental designs. Simply put, how to build a relevant experiment. It is in this that the main value of the materials presented in the article is seen, which will help the subjects of this process most reasonably approach the choice of approaches to the organization of postgraduate training, methods and techniques of experimental research, building its content and presenting the results. The subject of the work is the mechanisms (approaches, methods, means) of studying the readiness of graduate students for research activities in the context of scenario-event organization of the educational process. The novelty of the work is that it shows how one of the main components of the productivity of postgraduate training – readiness for research activities can be qualimetrically evaluated by measuring three components: the level of selfrealization; motivation and formation of relevant competencies. The practical significance of the work is seen in the application of scenario approach models to the preparation of graduate students and the incorporation of various «events» into these models, in the systematic construction of the main stages of the experimental work and the interpretation of its results for each of the measured parameters.
Keywords: research activity, readiness for self-realization, motivation, the formation of research competencies, scenario-event organization of the educational process in graduate school
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 113 — 123
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