DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-161-166
The article describes and analyzes the correlation between various forms of social activity and abnormal behavior of young people in real and virtual environments. The sample consisted of 160 respondents aged 18 to 25 years. The use of the Pearson correlation coefficient in the context of processing the obtained indicators allowed us to identify statistically significant relationships between various forms of social activity of young people and abnormal behavior in real and virtual environments. The relationships between: Internet-network and auto-destructive virtual activity, as well as cyber-communication dependence; anti-social and aggressive-asocial virtual activity with leisure activities; antisocial and asocial activity in a real environment and protest activity were found. There are also negative relationships between the parameters of auto-destructive virtual activity with spiritual and religious; cyber-communicative dependence with spiritual, as well as religious social activity; anti-social and anti-social behavior in the real environment and socioeconomic activity. It is concluded that abnormal behavior among young people is related to various forms of social activity. Pro-social activity levels out deviations in both real and virtual environments. Deviations in the virtual environment through the Internet-network and leisure forms of social activity can be caused by specific features of communication in cyberspace. The results obtained can be used in the aspect of preventive and correctional work with young people in the conditions of consulting centers and educational organizations. The present study expands the focus of existing concepts in the context of the studied problem within the framework of the correlation of two socio-psychological phenomena – abnormal (deviant) behavior and social activity of the individual.
Keywords: activity, social activity, relationship, virtual environment, deviations
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 161 — 166
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