DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-22-29
The education system faces the issues of online education and the effectiveness of career guidance programs in schools. The article deals with the problem of organizing pedagogical support for profession choice in the school digital educational environment. The author rises the question of theoretical understanding and modeling of the process of pedagogical support of professional choice by the digital educational environment resources. The author presents the 9-componet model and the logic of its construction. The model presents characteristics of each of the following components: the task, the environmental component, the subjective component, the methodological component, the motivational activity component, the diagnostic component, the results, the reflection as well as the specificity of the relationships between these components. The peculiarity of this model is the absence of a clear hierarchy changed for the interdependence of the components. This feature is characteristic of pedagogical models in the formation of a new concept of education. The author pays attention to the particularities of the usage of the approaches, principles and methods of the pedagogical support of the professional choice in the conditions of the digital educational environment. The author also considers the selection of the digital educational environment means to solve the problem of the pedagogical support of the schoolchildren’s professional choice.
Keywords: pedagogical support, professional choice, digital educational environment
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 22 — 29
Downloads: 732