DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-41-50
The meta-subject approach was introduced into the system of primary general education in 2010. However, until now there is no officially accepted definition of the term “metasubject content”. The purpose of this study was to reveal the essence and content of the metasubject approach, aimed at ensuring the raise of the subjective cognitive activity of students to the over-subject level. For this aim the author of the article studied the positions of leading scientific schools on the meta-subject content of general education, meta-subject competences and the meta-subject approach as a whole, made a content analysis of the key concepts, correlated the positions of representatives of leading scientific schools on a meta-subject approach with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and formulated own position on system-forming concepts. The meta-subject content of general education is a totality of over-subject didactic units (“meta-subjects”, “primary meanings”), as well as methods of conducting meta-subject cognitive activity. Meta-subject results consist of metasubject knowledge, universal learning activities and meta-subject competencies. Meta-subject knowledge refers to knowledge of a higher level of abstraction compared to subject knowledge related to one subject area. Meta-subject knowledge can be obtained only through a combination of knowledge from several subject areas. The author formulated his own definition of meta-subject competencies: meta-subject competencies are the learner’s integrative abilities to learn meta-subject knowledge based on correlation of knowledge from several subject areas, as well as to form universal educational actions based on a combination of different methods of conducting meta-subject cognitive activity from several areas (cognitive, regulatory, communicative).
Keywords: meta-subject approach, principle of combination, meta-subject content, meta-subject results, meta-subject competencies
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 41 — 50
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