DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-51-57
The issue of providing social and pedagogical assistance to a child from a dysfunctional family is being considered. The results of studying the “child in a dysfunctional family” problem are presented and the conclusion is made that a child in such a family is deprived of parental attention, supervision, care, and experiences difficulties in relations with peers and teachers. A review of well-known models of activity with a dysfunctional family is given, and non-traditional forms of work with a dysfunctional family are named. The available experience shows that today the direction of helping a child from a dysfunctional family is not sufficiently developed. A child growing up in a dysfunctional family lacks a significant adult. Such a significant adult can be a student-mentor, “family tutor”. Having a mentor in a child will help reduce intra-family conflicts, improve parent-child relationships, and possibly prevent social orphanhood. In this regard, in the framework of participation in the «Course for the Family» competition organized by the Timchenko Foundation, the project «Family Tutor» was developed. The implementation of the project included: the selection of students interested in participating in the project, their training, the definition of a group of children who need mentors, the creation of “child-tutor” pairs, and the conclusion of agreements with families. Today 10 pairs work, students are accompanied by curators, authors of the project. The relevance and practical significance of the project is evidenced by the fact that the “Family Tutor” was supported by the Timchenko Charitable Fund at the second stage of the “Course on the Family” grant competition.
Keywords: dysfunctional family, child in a dysfunctional family, student tutor, accompaniment, social and pedagogical assistance
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 51 — 57
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