DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-68-77
The paper presents a research of motivational sphere of undergraduate students of a technical Universi-ty. The connection of educational, poorly realized personal motives of students with groups of universal competencies was analyzed, and the deficiencies of personal skills that affect the formation of universal competencies were identified. Personal skills are more closely related to psychological characteristics, preferences, experience, environment, and so on. They develop more slowly and more difficult. In the motivational sphere of university students contains two main groups of motives. The first group is the motives inherent in the training itself. They determine the educational and cognitive motivation of stu-dents. The second group includes motives associated with what lies outside the learning process. In the process of developing a student’s professional competence, one can observe a different combination of the first and second groups of motives. The following conclusions were drawn: the study and analysis of the motivational sphere of undergrad-uate students allows timely updating of personal skill deficiencies in the development of universal com-petencies enshrined in the specialist training curriculum; having developed a model of the formation of universal competencies based on the poly-motivational structure of educational motives, you can get a tool to train a specialist meeting modern requirements of the professional environment.
Keywords: motivational sphere of University students, motives of educational activity, poorly realized personal motives of students, universal competencies, personal skills
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 68 — 77
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