DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-78-86
The state of application of traditional case technologies in the educational process is analyzed. The question of the organization of independent work of students in modern conditions of work of higher education is considered. The importance and relevance of this aspect of the educational process is noted. The state of the application of traditional case technologies in the educational process is analyzed. To increase the efficiency of organizing students’ independent work, the developed technology “Inverted Case” is proposed. The relevance of the application of this technology is justified. The content of the “Inverted Case” technology is revealed. Using concrete examples from higher mathematics, three stages of the implementation of this technology are shown – theoretical, conceptual-analytical, and search-production. The main advantages of using this technology in the educational process in higher education in the study of higher mathematics and theoretical mechanics are indicated. In modern conditions, the use of the “Inverted Case” technology is an important link between the educational and production processes. On the basis of the research carried out, possible difficulties in using the technology are noted. The analysis is carried out and the prospects and advantages of using the “Upside-down case” technology in the organization of independent work of students of engineering specialties are indicated.
Keywords: independent work of students, “Inverted case”, blended learning, “Inverted class”
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 78 — 86
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